Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby MacCabe Update!!

The Story of Baby MacCabe!

This is a story of Baby MacCabe. Let me give you some background first, my husband and I got married October 21, 2006 and we have always wanted children but we had some things we wanted to take care of first. Now that we have been married for 2 years we finally found out we are going to have our first child. Here is the story of how it all evolved.

Well I have had problems with my menstrual cycle being regular, I would have one and then like four months later I would have another one. I was getting frustrated because I knew I was not pregnant, however I still was not having my periods. So I went to see an OBGYN about this problem and several blood tests later we figured out that my Thyroid was not working properly and the numbers were lower than normal. So she put me on a vitamin to get more folic acid and did a couple more blood tests and it seemed to be fine. Just after the last blood test I had my period and was happy to see that they were more normal. That was in September of 2008. Then I didn’t have my period in October and was like hmmm… but it usually comes at the end of the month and sometimes within the first week of the next month so I didn’t think anything of it.

Then I was going to the bathroom more than usual. I normally can take my vitamins, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom and I am good until morning when I get up for work. The past couple weeks I have been going to the bathroom at 5am and again when I get up for work. I thought this was strange after a couple days of this and so now were are into November and I hadn’t gotten my period yet, so I decided to take a pregnancy test for the heck of it and……. Positive. I was shocked because I wasn’t expecting to see that and the line was kind of faint so I took it to show my husband to look at and he said “ Lets buy a different brand and take another one tomorrow and see what it says” so we did that after having dinner with some friends. The next morning comes and I take the other one and ….. 2 lines I was pregnant so I decided to go back to bed to wait for my alarm for work and as soon as I lay down to fall asleep I got hit with morning sickness. So I thought well I still have some time before work I will try to sleep and maybe I will feel better. Then about 15 minutes before I would have gotten up I had to run to the bathroom and I felt even worse so I decided to call in and not go to work, I called the doctor right after and I couldn’t get an appointment until Tuesday. This was a Friday that I got sick. So I was like ok that is fine and was glad I had the weekend to deal with the morning sickness before Monday at work.

So Tuesday comes and I go to my doctor’s appointment to find out that I am 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I am due June 20, 2009. They did oodles of blood work and set me up for 2 weeks later. Then I went in for my next appointment and the doctor checked out my uterus and confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. She then went on to do the PAP smear and culture. Then she was telling us that I was calculated to be 10 weeks, so she was going to try to find the baby’s heartbeat with the doppler, however it may still be too early. So she tried for about 2-3 minutes and couldn’t find it, so then she wanted me to have an ultrasound to see how far along I really was. So I went to another room to get the ultrasound done and she puts the gel on my belly and she found my uterus and the sac where the baby was but she couldn’t see the baby. So then she decided to do an internal sonogram, that way she could get closer to the sac and see the baby. As soon as she did that I could see my baby (even though it looked like a little gray peanut) I was still happy to see that. Then she said “You are 6 weeks according to this”. Then the doctor says “Either we miss calculated how far along you are or you are actually 10 weeks and the baby is not developing right”. Then she wanted me to come back in 1 week to see if the baby is growing the way it should for me to be at 6 weeks (which is what I think happened they just calculated things wrong). So they scheduled me 12-5-2008 for my next sonogram and hopefully they will give me my new due date, however I am thinking it will be the middle of July.

So I went to my appointment and they did the ultrasound and then had me to sit back in the waiting room because the doctor would go over the results. So after waiting about 15 minutes I went back to see the doctor and she walked in the room and told me “We could not find any fetal heart tones or activity, you have 2 choices you can either let it pass on your own or you can get a procedure called a D & C done”. (This is where they go into my cervix and clean out all the tissue and the sac that contains the baby). At that point I was so shocked to really say anything, so she told me to go home and come back in a week.

So it boils down that our baby has gone to be with God in heaven and someday we will see him/her.
Patty And Elijah

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

MacCabe Family Update!

I am just updating my blog with some comments about the MacCabe family. Things have been going really well, Elijah and I have been getting along so well the past couple weeks and the dog is actually behaving. Things are getting done around the house and no arguments or dissagreements are coming out of it. I just want to thank any and all of you who have been praying for us!

I would like you to continue praying that we continue down this path. I really have been enjoying the past couple of weeks, it is times like this that remind me why I Married him (something I have been trying to work on that a friend brought to my attention).

Even when one of us gets short with the other person and may not mean to we are both getting better of staying calm and making the other person understand why we did what we did, or why we asked that question Etc.

Well that was just some things I was thinking about lately and I wanted to write down and share with all of you. I will add more as it comes to my mind.


Monday, July 28, 2008


Hey everyone I made it back from my vacation. I arrived @ 11 am yesterday morning. I had such a good time, it was so relaxing and beatuiful. I will be posting pictures just as soon as I get them loaded on the computer and such. I took 230 pictures while I was there.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prayer request

Last night my best friend, Nicole (who was the maid of honor in my wedding for those who were there or saw pictures) called me and asked me to keep her brother in my prayers. He was on a missions trip through their church in Oklahoma and on the way home the kid sitting next to him in the van had committed suicide by jumping out of the van into the road. Nicole's brother and the driver of the van are the only 2 that ran back to begin CPR on him until the EMT's arrived. He was on his way home last night and is very upset about it. So I am asking that anyone who reads this please keep him in your prayers as well! Thank you.

His Name is Jonathan and he is 17.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Daisey's first hospital experience!

Well last night was exciting by far. First I had a long day at work after not feeling well and all to get home and get ready to take the dog to the vet for her annual shots and check up. The vet encouraged us to change her water dish from metal to ceramic or plastic, so we head over to walmart to get the dish, in which I ran into adiel and Malachi (which was nice to get to talk to them). Then we arrive at home about 6:30pm. I promptly start making dinner while elijah puts fresh water in daisey's new water bowl. While we are doing that daisey starts scratching her face and I didn't think anything of it at first, then she starts rubbing her face on the kitchen floor so I take a look at her face and " wow" it is swollen I couldn't believe it so I had to get a second opinion so I ask lij to look at her face and he says promptly "Call the vet back" of course they are closed.

So I start to panic a little because I new she was having a reaction to the shots but I wasn't sure at that point what to do, I did not want to wait until the next day who knows what would have happened. So, I grab the phone book and start called every and any vet office that is close to us to see if I can at least get someone on the phone to get some ideas, finally after calling about 3 I get ahold of someone, and to make things better right when I get her on the phone Daisey starts throwing up I am thinking " great now she is throwing up" So I told that to the lady on the phone and she says " get in the car and take her to the emergency vet on 38th Street by the zoo they open at 8pm by the time you get there, they should be open and give her benadryl". That was at 7:15pm, So I got the phone number for the clinic and franticaly started looking for benadryl, which by the way we had none of. So Elijah grabbed daisey, I grabbed the car keys, her collar and lesh and my purse and ran out the door and went straight to Circle K for tablets of benadryl (which we had to force in her mouth). At this point her face is so swollen she can hardly see or breath. She looked like a "Charpe" (Google images to see if you are not sure of what it looks like you have to see). So I drive as fast as I can without getting a ticket or being dangerous to the clinic at 38th street. We got there at like 7:45pm and signed her in and filled out all the needed paper work. The doctor gave her a shot of benadrl and told us to give half of a 25mg tablet every 8 hours and we left.

So that was our night. She is starting to look like a pug again this moring and when I was home for lunch.

I was scary listening to her breath like that.

Please pray for her to get better.

The MacCabes

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I hope everyone had a good Memorial day! I did I got to go to a couple pinics and I also took a lot of good pictures which I will upload later today for you to see. The more I see some of my pictures I have taken the past couple days the more I want to take pictures, it inspires me.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Misc. Pictures.

This is my new hair cut and after I dyed it.

These are the first easter eggs Elijah and I colored after being married.
This was in the clearance isle at K-mart for $7 I could not pass it up.

Elijah being goofy with my new clock.

Daisey's Birthday!

This is daisey after she got her nails cut on her birthday!

This is daisey showing off her new outfit on her birthday!

This is daisey's first birthday ice cream and candle.

I didn't even know they made ice cream for dogs! .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am having a hard time dealing with some issues that are going on in the MacCabe house hold and with my life lately. I need some help praying about it and I also and thankful for my blog because I have a place to let some of my feelings out and not really have to talk.

Well to start I feel like since I have graduated high school I have lost all of my close friends I used to hang out with and I am having a hard time with that and it has progressively gotten worse since I have gotten married. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Elijah with all my heart but sometimes I just want to hang out with some girls and get out of the house and do things. He sometimes doesn't like who I hang out with or want to hang out with and it just seems like all we do on weekends is go to Best buy and do what he wants to do. I just feel so trapped sometimes. I miss not having fun with my friends on the weekends like I used to.

The next thing is my family, I have had Christmas presents for my one sister and brother since Christmas and they will not answer their phones, or call me back or even answer their doors when I stop over. Also my sister hates me secondary to me not attending her reception that she nicely planned one week before my wedding and NONE of my siblings were at my wedding. I am so hurt about that I don't know how to handle it anymore.

The apartment I am currently living in sucks. I have a Karate store below me, a mother in law that has a key to my house, a father in law that has stuff still in the house and allowing the Karate guy access to the whole downstairs to store stuff (Where we keep our things also), heating bills that are outrageous even when we are freezing and a husband that won't help pick up the house and move things. He would rather play on the computer or take a nap while the dishes, laundry and taxes are lying around collecting dust waiting to me to come home and handle them.

Elijah and I have recently gone to look at a house that is in weslyville by Cycle city. It has 4 bedrooms, 1 complete bathroom and a second one in the process, dining room , living room with a fire place, kitchen, full basement, back yard, front porch and a one car garage. It is listed for 54,900 and I know for a fact that we can afford it we already went for the pre-approval and Elijah still says we should not go and do get it because we still have a car payment and he does not want to add a mortgage payment on it even though he knows we can do it. I am so fed up with our living situation I do not know what else to do. I make what our house payment would be in 2 weeks of work (which is one paycheck) If I can make that in 2 weeks and get paid $3 less than Elijah what is the problem? My car payment should NOT be an issue anymore I got that under control. I got my car before we were even engaged and I am just sick of my car being an issue with him. I feel that even if my car was gone he still would come up with some excuse.
Another thing is why would he even let me or even go with me for that matter to look at the house and say that he likes it and such and then tell me we can't get it. That is like taking a little child to see a puppy and then saying No after they fall in love with it.

Well that is all for now I don't want to babble for ever.

Thanks for listening anyone who reads this.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Daisey outside!

Daisey likes to play in the snow as well, so we posed for the camera!

More pictures to share!

I took this picture recently of the tower.

I like this picture of the sun, I took this at dobbins landing.

Daisey is always having that hanging out of her mouth I had to get a picture of it she is so darn cute.

Daisey and Daddy taking a nap together.

Our first snow man.

Random pics!

This is my other dog Bianca, she lives with my parents secondary to her being to big for our apartment.

This is my niece Jillian she was born 8-31-2007.

This is uncle Elijah holding Jillian at my moms house.

I took this sunset at the Lake cliff pier.

I took this picture out of my kitchen window while inside the house. The dove was on our back porch.

More random pics!

This picture of the snow I had to take for Class.

This is a picture of Elijah dressed up for his Interview.

I took this picture of the ice while on my field trip for class.

I also took this picture of the church while on my field trip for class.

This is my nephews Justin (in the black) and Nathan(In the red) posing with Daisey at my parents house.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

new pics !!

This is a picture of my dad and mom on the top. Also there is a color version of the picture I had to take for school. Then we have a picture of daisey being "budda puppy", Then after daisey got a bath and her toe nails clipped her and daddy put on a sad face for the camera!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

daisey all bundled up for bed lol. I made her that blanket also I thought she looked really cute.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is my night shot of the tower. I think it turned out ok.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I took this picture the first day I had gotten by camera, I was driving down the bayfront and I rolled down the passenger window, held the camera in my left hand and zoomed in and snap the shot.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

starting out

This is my first posting. I am excited and it will give me something to do.

Hope everyone checks this out.
