The Story of Baby MacCabe!
This is a story of Baby MacCabe. Let me give you some background first, my husband and I got married October 21, 2006 and we have always wanted children but we had some things we wanted to take care of first. Now that we have been married for 2 years we finally found out we are going to have our first child. Here is the story of how it all evolved.
Well I have had problems with my menstrual cycle being regular, I would have one and then like four months later I would have another one. I was getting frustrated because I knew I was not pregnant, however I still was not having my periods. So I went to see an OBGYN about this problem and several blood tests later we figured out that my Thyroid was not working properly and the numbers were lower than normal. So she put me on a vitamin to get more folic acid and did a couple more blood tests and it seemed to be fine. Just after the last blood test I had my period and was happy to see that they were more normal. That was in September of 2008. Then I didn’t have my period in October and was like hmmm… but it usually comes at the end of the month and sometimes within the first week of the next month so I didn’t think anything of it.
Then I was going to the bathroom more than usual. I normally can take my vitamins, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom and I am good until morning when I get up for work. The past couple weeks I have been going to the bathroom at 5am and again when I get up for work. I thought this was strange after a couple days of this and so now were are into November and I hadn’t gotten my period yet, so I decided to take a pregnancy test for the heck of it and……. Positive. I was shocked because I wasn’t expecting to see that and the line was kind of faint so I took it to show my husband to look at and he said “ Lets buy a different brand and take another one tomorrow and see what it says” so we did that after having dinner with some friends. The next morning comes and I take the other one and ….. 2 lines I was pregnant so I decided to go back to bed to wait for my alarm for work and as soon as I lay down to fall asleep I got hit with morning sickness. So I thought well I still have some time before work I will try to sleep and maybe I will feel better. Then about 15 minutes before I would have gotten up I had to run to the bathroom and I felt even worse so I decided to call in and not go to work, I called the doctor right after and I couldn’t get an appointment until Tuesday. This was a Friday that I got sick. So I was like ok that is fine and was glad I had the weekend to deal with the morning sickness before Monday at work.
So Tuesday comes and I go to my doctor’s appointment to find out that I am 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I am due June 20, 2009. They did oodles of blood work and set me up for 2 weeks later. Then I went in for my next appointment and the doctor checked out my uterus and confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. She then went on to do the PAP smear and culture. Then she was telling us that I was calculated to be 10 weeks, so she was going to try to find the baby’s heartbeat with the doppler, however it may still be too early. So she tried for about 2-3 minutes and couldn’t find it, so then she wanted me to have an ultrasound to see how far along I really was. So I went to another room to get the ultrasound done and she puts the gel on my belly and she found my uterus and the sac where the baby was but she couldn’t see the baby. So then she decided to do an internal sonogram, that way she could get closer to the sac and see the baby. As soon as she did that I could see my baby (even though it looked like a little gray peanut) I was still happy to see that. Then she said “You are 6 weeks according to this”. Then the doctor says “Either we miss calculated how far along you are or you are actually 10 weeks and the baby is not developing right”. Then she wanted me to come back in 1 week to see if the baby is growing the way it should for me to be at 6 weeks (which is what I think happened they just calculated things wrong). So they scheduled me 12-5-2008 for my next sonogram and hopefully they will give me my new due date, however I am thinking it will be the middle of July.
So I went to my appointment and they did the ultrasound and then had me to sit back in the waiting room because the doctor would go over the results. So after waiting about 15 minutes I went back to see the doctor and she walked in the room and told me “We could not find any fetal heart tones or activity, you have 2 choices you can either let it pass on your own or you can get a procedure called a D & C done”. (This is where they go into my cervix and clean out all the tissue and the sac that contains the baby). At that point I was so shocked to really say anything, so she told me to go home and come back in a week.
So it boils down that our baby has gone to be with God in heaven and someday we will see him/her.
This is a story of Baby MacCabe. Let me give you some background first, my husband and I got married October 21, 2006 and we have always wanted children but we had some things we wanted to take care of first. Now that we have been married for 2 years we finally found out we are going to have our first child. Here is the story of how it all evolved.
Well I have had problems with my menstrual cycle being regular, I would have one and then like four months later I would have another one. I was getting frustrated because I knew I was not pregnant, however I still was not having my periods. So I went to see an OBGYN about this problem and several blood tests later we figured out that my Thyroid was not working properly and the numbers were lower than normal. So she put me on a vitamin to get more folic acid and did a couple more blood tests and it seemed to be fine. Just after the last blood test I had my period and was happy to see that they were more normal. That was in September of 2008. Then I didn’t have my period in October and was like hmmm… but it usually comes at the end of the month and sometimes within the first week of the next month so I didn’t think anything of it.
Then I was going to the bathroom more than usual. I normally can take my vitamins, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom and I am good until morning when I get up for work. The past couple weeks I have been going to the bathroom at 5am and again when I get up for work. I thought this was strange after a couple days of this and so now were are into November and I hadn’t gotten my period yet, so I decided to take a pregnancy test for the heck of it and……. Positive. I was shocked because I wasn’t expecting to see that and the line was kind of faint so I took it to show my husband to look at and he said “ Lets buy a different brand and take another one tomorrow and see what it says” so we did that after having dinner with some friends. The next morning comes and I take the other one and ….. 2 lines I was pregnant so I decided to go back to bed to wait for my alarm for work and as soon as I lay down to fall asleep I got hit with morning sickness. So I thought well I still have some time before work I will try to sleep and maybe I will feel better. Then about 15 minutes before I would have gotten up I had to run to the bathroom and I felt even worse so I decided to call in and not go to work, I called the doctor right after and I couldn’t get an appointment until Tuesday. This was a Friday that I got sick. So I was like ok that is fine and was glad I had the weekend to deal with the morning sickness before Monday at work.
So Tuesday comes and I go to my doctor’s appointment to find out that I am 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I am due June 20, 2009. They did oodles of blood work and set me up for 2 weeks later. Then I went in for my next appointment and the doctor checked out my uterus and confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. She then went on to do the PAP smear and culture. Then she was telling us that I was calculated to be 10 weeks, so she was going to try to find the baby’s heartbeat with the doppler, however it may still be too early. So she tried for about 2-3 minutes and couldn’t find it, so then she wanted me to have an ultrasound to see how far along I really was. So I went to another room to get the ultrasound done and she puts the gel on my belly and she found my uterus and the sac where the baby was but she couldn’t see the baby. So then she decided to do an internal sonogram, that way she could get closer to the sac and see the baby. As soon as she did that I could see my baby (even though it looked like a little gray peanut) I was still happy to see that. Then she said “You are 6 weeks according to this”. Then the doctor says “Either we miss calculated how far along you are or you are actually 10 weeks and the baby is not developing right”. Then she wanted me to come back in 1 week to see if the baby is growing the way it should for me to be at 6 weeks (which is what I think happened they just calculated things wrong). So they scheduled me 12-5-2008 for my next sonogram and hopefully they will give me my new due date, however I am thinking it will be the middle of July.
So I went to my appointment and they did the ultrasound and then had me to sit back in the waiting room because the doctor would go over the results. So after waiting about 15 minutes I went back to see the doctor and she walked in the room and told me “We could not find any fetal heart tones or activity, you have 2 choices you can either let it pass on your own or you can get a procedure called a D & C done”. (This is where they go into my cervix and clean out all the tissue and the sac that contains the baby). At that point I was so shocked to really say anything, so she told me to go home and come back in a week.
So it boils down that our baby has gone to be with God in heaven and someday we will see him/her.
Patty And Elijah
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